McLean, Virginia 22102
McLean, Virginia 22102
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Our team of licensed medical professionals and experienced cannabis specialists are here to help you get the relief you need.
We understand that chronic pain and other medical conditions can be difficult to manage. That’s why we offer a safe and legal way for you to access medical cannabis, which has been shown to alleviate symptoms for various conditions.
You can book an appointment with a licensed medical cannabis doctor in Ohio through CannaHealrx at a time that suits you best. Simply provide your basic medical history and schedule your appointment.
During the evaluation, the doctor will review your medical conditions, complete the MMJ Certification, and address any questions you may have regarding the diagnosis, treatment, or certification process. If you meet the qualifying criteria, the doctor register you with the State of Ohio as registered patient.
Once your evaluation is complete in Ohio, you will receive a email from the state to complete your patient application. An additional state fee $50 is required by the state to receive your card. The state will process your application and you can print your medical car within 72 hours in Ohio.
The state will process your application and will approve you within 72 hours of application completion. You can print your medical cannabis card online when approved. Once the card is received you can begin to purchase from state dispensaries.